Photo by Dune Alford

Photo by Dune Alford

Photo by Dune Alford

Tosca at OTSL
Photo by David Levy

Tosca at OTSL
Eric Woolsey

Tosca at OTSL
David Levy

Tosca at OTSL
David Levy

Die Walküre at Opera Santa Barbara
Zach Mendez

Die Walküre at Opera Santa Barbara
Zach Mendez

Die Walküre at Opera Santa Barbara
Photo by Zach Mendez

Die Walküre at Opera Santa Barbara
Zach Mendez

Froh in Das Rheinfold with Dallas Opera

Froh in Das Rheingold at Dallas Opera

Don Jose in Carmen at Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Showcase

Don Jose in Carmen at Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Showcase

der Fliegende Holländer at Utah Opera
Dana Sohm

Der Fliegende Holländer at Utah Opera
photo by dana sohm

Susannah at Wolf Trap Opera
Photo by Scott Suchman

Susannah at Wolf Trap Opera
Scott Suchman

Susannah at Wolf Trap Opera
Scott Suchman

Der Freischutz
photo by Scott Suchman

Der Freischutz at Wolf Trap Opera
Photo by Scott Suchman

Salome at Bard College

Salome at Bard College

Salome at Bard College

Caitlin and Kevin Photography

Caitlin and Kevin Photography

Caitlin and Kevin Photography

Caitlin and Kevin Photography

Rising Stars Concert
Bruce Bennett for Palm Beach Opera

Rising Stars Concert
Bruce Bennett for Palm Beach Opera

In concert
Coastal Click Photography